Monday, October 8, 2012

Just the Weekend

Winds of Autumn
"I'll have what she's having"...Deli Customer (aka Rob Reiner's Mom), When Harry Met Sally...

What are your weekends like? Most of the time I feel my routine unfolds like this (more or less):

On a Friday night, I am exhausted from the week because for some reason the constant going and doing of the daily grind has caught up with me. I usually say I am going to try to watch a movie, but even though I do not work out on Fridays I have been going to the chiropractor after work and maybe doing an errand or two. This last Friday night I discovered that Trader Joe's is quite the happening place to be! Perhaps people were lured in my the quick wit and tasty treats in their weekly Fearless Flyer I had no idea! But I picked up my essentials and went out my way. I took a bath in Epsom salts which is my new favorite thing. Have you tried it? Very soothing and relaxing and it's a nice way to unwind with a book. The movie was started but then interrupted with a call from the boyfriend. Since we are long distance we will talk a few times during the day, but have a lengthy chat at night.

Saturday is my day of running around and getting errands done. I was at the gym by 9:00 where I did a circuit/sprint work out and was home by 10:15. I think picking a gym close by where you live is very important. If you have to drive far, it can be very hard to motivate yourself to go. Trust me - I've done it. After breakfast, I headed out to get all those pesky errands done. Tailor, TJ Max, and the bank...there were quite a few to list. I made some basics for the week including quinoa, chicken and vegetables, and finished the movie from the other night...Margin Call which I highly recommend. It had a stellar cast and was examining one typical NYC firm that allowed a window into the type of downward spiral that lead to such an economic collapse. Very disturbing and Demi Moore looked phenomenal. How old is she again? Man..I'll have whatever she's having. Yes, that is totally from When Harry Met Sally...

Sunday was a more low-key day thankfully. I woke up absolutely frozen though. Isn't it only Fall? I threw on some clothes to go for a quick walk and was greeted by 45 degree weather!I cannot believe I did not turn around and go home. Or at least go back for some gloves and a hat. I had a quick protein shake since I was meeting my friend, Christina for brunch to catch up. We met around 11:30 and enjoyed eggs (mine egg whites with veggies and goat cheese) and hers (eggs benedict). There is always something nice and relaxing about brunch and you can even have a cocktail if you choose. We just had coffee, but still, the option promotes a sense of frivolity mid-day. I stopped by my mom's house for a quick visit and headed home. I went to the gym for an upper body workout, and now I'm enjoying a date with my DVR. I also took a leap and decided to submit myself for the New Face of Fitness Contest from Fitness Magazine

I have never submitted myself for a contest before, but I could not resist. Right now I'm enjoying a date with "Revenge". Love that show! It's unbelievable how the two days simply fly by.

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